Seismic Shaker
TU Delft

A seismic shaker, capable of applying low frequency forces repeatable to the ground, was developed and built.
For seismic monitoring and exploration of oil and gas reserves the ground is excited with a vibrator. Commercially available systems use hydraulics to create the required forces. For the excitation at low frequencies (2-5 Hz), the non-linear behavior of the hydraulics is the limiting factor in the performance. Therefore, a new shaker, based on linear motor technology was developed.
The Shaker is being used by spinoff company Seismic Mechatronics.
Obtaining a signal bandwidth of 2-200Hz without limitations from internal resonances within the 1000 kg structure
Creating a stiff, frictionless and repeatable guiding for 24/7 usage
Designing a low stiffness gravity compensator
Key Competences
Prediction of frequency response functions / mode shape analyses
Construction Principles for Precision Engineering
In the field tested prototype
Working prototype for research of non-linear ground behavior
TU Delft for seismic specifications
Magnetic Innovations for actuator and amplifier design